Debt, Employment, & Estate Planning in Fredericksburg VA
We are here to help you with the different areas of financial matters within the law such as
- Debt & Bankruptcy – Bankruptcy is not always the answer. We offer a free consultation to discuss your financial situation and evaluate what your best options are.
- Employment – Unlawful termination or discrimination in the workplace
- Estate Planning – Confidential estate planning if something was to happen to you, make sure your loved ones are taken care of through your legal will.

Anyone can get into financial trouble. It might be your fault or someone else’s. It could be bad decisions or just bad luck. Divorce, illness, unemployment, credit card misuse, market changes: all can have major impact on your financial life. Before you know it, you’re in too deep and you can’t see a way out and a way forward.
At FIDE Law we know that one thing is certain: financial problems only get worse if you do nothing about them. And it’s not just the financial problem that gets worse: family life, personal life, health, and business will all suffer.
The attorneys of FIDE Law are here to help you find a way forward and new start, by looking for a way out. Bankruptcy may be the answer for you. We will take a look at your complete financial life and discuss all your options. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows for a discharge of many consumer debts. Chapter 13 is a more complicated procedure, designed for people to pay back their creditors over a period of time.
Warrant in Debt
If you have to sue someone to collect a debt or if someone is suing you, a lawyer might be necessary. Our legal experts at FIDE Law will talk to you and tell you if a lawyer is necessary to fight the case.
As a landlord and as a tenant, the most important thing is to know your rights. If you don’t know your rights, someone will take advantage of you. The Virginia Landlord Tenant Act (VLTA) protects landlords and tenants from abuse. Unfortunately, going to court is often expensive and risky and so it is not always the best option. At FIDE Law, we pride ourselves on helping clients understand when litigation is a good idea or when it is likely to be an expensive waste of time and money.
FIDE Law represents employers and employees in workplace disputes in both state and federal court, as well as before government agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Wrongful Termination (Wrongful Discharge)
The most common employment complaint is probably unfair termination or “wrongful discharge.” Virginia’s laws protect employees, but Virginia is considered an “employer-friendly” state. That means that an employee who wants to take action against an employer should talk to an attorney as soon as it starts to look like the job is threatened.
In Virginia, an employee can challenge a termination if it is a breach of a contract, if it is unlawfully discriminatory, if it violates public policy, or if it is retaliatory. Most employers have experience in letting go of workers and often have legal counsel advising before, during, and after termination. FIDE Law can help employers and employees know their rights, insist on their rights being observed, and fight to have those rights vindicated.
Federal and state anti-discrimination laws protect workers from discrimination based on race, sex, disability, pregnancy, and age. Employee protections are constantly evolving through court decisions. FIDE Law stays on top of the legal developments to help clients take full advantage of their legal rights.
Employees may also be discriminated against, threatened, coerced, or even fired for attempting to exercising their rights under other laws, such as the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or workers compensation. Employees can’t be discriminated against or retaliated against because they want to exercise those rights.
Labor Unions & Collective Bargaining
The law protects employees´ rights to bargain collectively or to join a union, or not to join a union. Many of these rights are in the National Labor Relations Act, which covers many private sector employees. Other laws apply to government workers.
At FIDE Law we have represented workers who have been forced to work in unsafe workplaces, or who are “whistle-blowers,” that is, employees who have reported an employer’s which is breaking the law.
Dispute Settlement
We have seen that, when it comes to employment law, employers often don’t know what their legal obligations might be and employees don’t know what their rights are. The role of the attorney is sometimes useful to prevent disputes by helping to educate employers. If a dispute arises, it is often in the best interests of both sides to look for a solution they can live with instead of spending time and money going to court, where you don’t know what the outcome will be.
Employment Contracts
In some cases, the role of the attorney is to help negotiate a settlement and avoid lawsuits through arbitration. Other times the attorney will help to draft an employment agreement or a severance agreement.
Wage & Hours
Employers have to pay their employees! Many disputes arise under “wage and hour” laws, overtime pay, vacation pay. Immigrants often feel that there’s nothing they can do if their employer doesn’t pay them. They should talk to the experienced attorneys at FIDE Law.
Learn about your rights and obligations in employment law by talking to one of our experienced attorneys.
Estate Planning
We need lawyers for unexpected events in life. Those times are often in emergency or difficult crisis situations. Estate planning is different. You should plan for the end of life and the protection of your family and wealth long before you need to! We all should make a resolution to put some plan in place now.
Everyone should have at least a basic will which provides instructions to an estate administrator — often called an Executor— as to how to distribute your wealth and possessions upon your death. Sometimes people have a will which they made in the past and which no longer is appropriate to their circumstances. These wills should be updated or changed.
Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney is a document which gives a person authority to act on your behalf. A power of attorney will help your loved one or family member or trusted friend take care of your affairs when you are unable to. When you are sick or can no longer make decisions on your own, that person will be able to act for you.
FIDE Law can help you prepare with a comprehensive power of attorney document. A well drafted power of attorney can save time and money and a lot of trouble down the road.
Advanced Medical Directives
A special set of instructions for your medical treatment when you cannot decide for yourself.
Trusts and Special Needs Trusts
Elder Law Issues
FIDE Law has knowledgeable attorneys to help come up with a plan to provide for your family and loved ones or provide a legacy for a charitable cause. Estate planning includes designating a trusted person as your power of attorney. Estate Planning something that we have take care of before we need it.